I had some stuff to do but was tired, while I was just about to shove it aside till ‘later’, this sentence just came to mind , ‘why can’t we treat our dreams and passion like we do a job?’
We don’t always like to show up every morning to work, we don’t like to wake up by 5:am so we can beat the traffic for a job that starts by 8am, there are days we are not even feeling too good but we show up anyways to that job that pays our bills. When it comes to goals, dreams, passion though, we may not just feel good and push it aside till the ‘god’ of feelings smile on us again.
How many of us have stayed back home for a month because we don’t just feel like going to work? I mean that work that pays the bills? We may feel it but we don’t act on the feelings. Do you see that you are stronger than your feelings? So push through for that dream, that goal, that business idea… if you wait till you feel good before you make a move, then you would remain where you are. Push through!