Who gets more help around the house from hubby when they are sick?
So I chopped a bit of my finger this week while cutting sweet potato for my family. Hmmmmm! Let me just say I saw motherhood in a different light( I would shed some light on this someday) Let us enter the gist proper, so Mr Possible quickly rushed me to the hospital and my sets of expensive knives are missing! Rumour has it that Mr.Possible wants to throw them away but I digress, I came back with a bandage and that is where my story of bliss started.
You see, my nanny took a week off and if we count today, then it is a week and a day, I have been running around the kids with Oga sprinkling some help here and there. After the cut, everybody say ‘after the cut!’ That is how this Boy started doing dishes back to back, (I hate doing dishes, who can relate?), giving the kids a bath, if I feel any pain, he quickly runs to the rescue and I have been walking on sunshine. He did the dishes last night before dinner and gave the kids a bath one more time. But this morning they all left in a hurry to work and school and my forming has ended.
As I look at the dishes, I know once I start washing it, I shall be washing away all the bliss I felt this past one week, Next thing, they would feel I can do almost everything🙄
Should I wash the dishes or leave it?

Hahahaha…..better wash the dishes. Sorry about your hand though, hope you feel better soon.
loll! hater! thank you I am much better.
Please rest