Manners…Have you got them?

Recently I was listening to the radio and they put some girl in a very awkward situation, asking her questions that  are pretty embarrassing and guess what, it was those kind of questions that if you lie, everyone would know but they will not just say anything…it cracked me up so much, I was in […]

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Review Of Churrasco “The Grills”.

On Saturday, I was really stressed. MrPossible was busy and out all day and Saturdays are the days I look forward to, because that is the day I get more help with the kids and we can all be home like one big happy family, but this Saturday was different. I was with BabyJ and Lady A, I still had stuff to do, […]

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We Are No Rivals.

My sister tagged me on this post and I really enjoyed it, so I decided to share with you, read, learn a Lesson and enjoy it. Originally from To the mother who breastfed her baby until they needed it no more; I know the amazing feeling that comes with knowing your little one is getting […]

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If You Think Cleaning, Think 911 Professionals!

911professional is a registered company founded in 2013 and it provides post-construction cleaning, house cleaning, corporate cleaning, janitorial services and fumigation. Each and every one of our professional cleaners/janitors is thoroughly trained in respect to each cleaning task and each has verified credible individuals as guarantors. Our Company’s goal is to professionally clean and service each […]

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