I would not lie that the numbers had nothing to do with it, I would not lie that the lack of engagement had nothing to do with it too and did you know “what would people say” was also holding me back, let us face it, the social media space has become more unfriendly than […]
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The Cross Of The Called…
When you are called or you have found your purpose and want to run with it, There are some facts you need to come to terms with, I have come to terms with them though it’s hard sometimes.Here they are… […]
You Are In Charge!
No matter how much I emphasize on feelings, I cannot seem to stop talking about it. There are days that are really not so fab and it is like the whole universe is on your case!!!! You want to power through but your feelings get it your way, you try to pray and it just […]
Life Lessons From My Kids Moving Out Of My Room.
The Lessons I learnt from my kids moving out from the room can be grouped into two God Purpose During the process of getting my kids out of the room, it was hard for them, it was also hard for us as parents, we did not want to see them cry, we did not want to […]
Be Involved In Your Process.
Yesterday my daughter was making a necklace with rubber bands and asked I showed her how to do it, while showing her, she just said “‘mummy just do it for me and was about to waltz right out of the room. I insisted she stayed through the process so she can learn to do it […]
The various emotions I went through when I realised that I was turning 30 are unimaginable. So many questions kept popping up, I was definitely not feeling fulfilled or living in Fulfilment; “what have I achieved now I am turning 30”? What happened to all my dreams”? “Have I done well for myself?”? “Why don’t I […]
Just Let Go!
Since the school long term holidays, I have gotten more than enough time to spend with my kids, knowing more about them daily, their strength, their weaknesses and oh the fights!!!!! It can actually run you out of your home. Lady A sleeps every afternoon but her definition for afternoons can start from as early […]
The Mind, The Features And The Delete Button.
I am careful what I let into my mind and I think for a mindset to totally change , you have to be careful what you listen to, what you watch, who you let into your head space and what you even gloss over. My parents can send loads of forwarded messages on Whatsapp, just […]
What’s Your Excuse Again?
I love cooking and really intend making a few bucks from it, after all, the bible says, ‘your gift would make a way for you’ right? I have tried the cooking business several times and have come to realise that I had to know more than just cooking, there is a business within that business […]
Are You Running?
During the week, Lady A, was hurt on her lips by babyJ, I did not really know how bad it was but i heard her cry and thought it was just them having a disagreement. Some minutes later, they came downstairs and Lady A was with an umbrella, I was trying to tease her but […]