
I would talk about parenting based on experience,research and findings please share your experience too…

Parenting And Judgement.

Being a parent is one of the most beautiful things that also comes with a loads of judgements. It just seem like everyone is judging your every decision and when they are not, we pretty much judge ourselves by others standards. From the day you give birth to the child, to all the decisions that […]

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    Work I remember i told you guys that I started doing something new and that is why I have been quiet for a while. So apart from the fact that we moved houses to an estate that pretty much screams Wisteria lane like the Desperate housewives show, I also started my catering fully, […]

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Ranting of a ‘not so super-mum’…

As I sit here typing this, I am arguing with my two year old  on why she should sleep instead of watch television, she is saying some things I don’t understand but in it, there is a “NO!”. There are clothes scattered everywhere and I couldn’t be bothered, to crown it up, Mrpossible is not in town.I […]

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I have got to rant!!!

When John Legend sang, “My head under water, but I am breathing fine”, I thought it would just be a love song for MrPossible and I but right now that can describe what has been happening for three weeks. Thanks to my very reliable virtual assistant, If not, you guys would not be seeing anything on here, […]

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The Bath Ritual!

Nothing amazes me more than a baby’s first bath and the rest that follows, the bath is both funny and scary.  I remember a friend saw babyJ taking a bath and said ” Ha! They really moulded your daughter well” so they mould human beings ehn? Another friend and I got into a debate on how it is good to massage the baby […]

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