Recently I was listening to the radio and they put some girl in a very awkward situation, asking her questions that are pretty embarrassing and guess what, it was those kind of questions that if you lie, everyone would know but they will not just say anything…it cracked me up so much, I was in […]
Random gist
Review Of Churrasco “The Grills”.
On Saturday, I was really stressed. MrPossible was busy and out all day and Saturdays are the days I look forward to, because that is the day I get more help with the kids and we can all be home like one big happy family, but this Saturday was different. I was with BabyJ and Lady A, I still had stuff to do, […]
Obee’s Sunday Inspiration- Be Good Because You Are Good…
You cannot afford to be hateful and unforgiven, these are two heavy baggages you must drop else they weigh you down. You must learn to forgive and let go of things. You may not be able to control the actions of others, you cannot control how they treat you but you have total control […]
Hot Or HotMess – Is it your HotMess?
This is the finale of our Hot or HotMess Series and I hope you enjoyed every episode, which was your favourite? This series was inspired when I heard people talk badly about a new mum. If you missed it all, check it out here, here and here. Enjoy! I am not the weight I use to be, though I am […]
Hot or HotMess – So How Can I Be Hot In My New Body?
I cannot say I have reached my highest level of hotness.. lolll. I have my bad days but I try to make sure that whenever I am leaving the house, especially with MrPossible I look good! Recently I went to the hospital with the kids, since it was close to Mrp’s Office, he came over and I knew I […]
The Victim…Help yourself too please.
Has anyone ever come to you with a problem, asked for your counsel and every time you think that you are making headway, they block you with an obstacle? They give you a million reasons why what you are saying cannot work, you try again and they give you another reason and they keep throwing […]
Hot or HotMess – The reason you dress the way you do…
It takes a conscious effort to do anything just like it takes a conscious effort to look good. There are reasons why most of us don’t look so good after pregnancy and I would share with you from my own experience. Denial: The first thing that happens after the birth when it comes to fashion, is […]
Hot or Hot Mess? Dress sense after the baby.
This might be a long post but I really hope it is not, it is important to me that I share this. In March 2012, we found out we were pregnant, though unexpected, it was appreciated and I must say it was a mix feeling of excitement and anxiety, We were gonna have a baby!!!!! I met Mrpossible 2years […]
Help Goodluck From Kwashiorkor
I hate to see or hear heart breaking stories so when I saw a picture of a sick child on my friend’s display picture, I almost did not want to continue chatting with her , as I knew I would get so sad, well there was no running from this, so I decided to ask […]
Breakfast Quickie- My Sausage Secret.
There are days you don’t know what to eat for breakfast. You are tired of the every morning bread and tea and even the occasional pancakes, well you would be happy with my new findings, maybe not so new though. It is shawarma with a twist….yayy, you do not have to look for shawarma anymore […]