Happy new months guys, Its May and its a new month, I have decided to be expectant for something every new month, back it up with prayers and watch how the month unfolds, at least when you are expectant then there is something to look forward to, instead of just counting sheep till the next […]
Random gist
My thought on the Orekoya’s Kidnapper
That is how I was watching the Orekoya’s kidnapper, Yes I guess we all know she has been caught, what surprised me was the English she spoke, I was shocked to say the least, so she can speak well ehn? May God help us o, if I see that one, I would have been happy […]
The Orekoya boys are back home!!!!
Happy for her, I just saw it on Facebook, I traced it to her page and I am excited she’s seen her kids… Awesome God!
365 days…We Remember Our Chibok Sisters
May God bring them back home to their families…Say a prayer for them and for our Nation. God Bless Nigeria. Photo credit: The Nation
Pray for the Orekoya’s Kids
Remember those three children that was kidnapped by their house help, if you did not see the post read here they haven’t still been found and of course you can imagine it hasn’t been easy for the family especially the mum., I cannot even imagine what she is going through…How can you deprive these kids their warm […]
Ride or die…What is your deal breaker?
Yesterday while making my usual blog rounds, I saw one of Khloe Kardashian saying she would go back to Lamar Odom in a heartbeat, if he changes and so much went through my mind…Personally I loved this couple and felt what they shared was real, then the rumours started coming in and after so much […]
Dear God…
Hi guys, have you ever had this ‘dear God’ feeling or experience where you just want to tell God something…Sometimes it may be how you feel or why things aren’t going a particular way you would have preferred, why something happened, or even just to say thank you because of somethings he has done that […]
How much crying is too much for a man?
This past Big brother Africa hotshot, I guess most of us saw one particular male contestant that was so in-touch with his emotions, oh well, it was Tayo Faniran, the Nigerian contestant and he shed tears on various occasions to the extent, one time on stage while crying,IK the coordinator told him to put himself […]
Korede Bello sings hit single, ‘GodWin’ in church service. I have questions???
Today I read that Korede Bello of Mavin Crew was invited to a church to sing his hit single, “GodWin” and was even backed up the chior and a Pastor in Texas challenged this saying, ‘the church was wrong to invite Korede, who is not a gospel singer, to perform on their altar’. Pastor Olusola […]
Remember when…
Remember when… If you had to go back to your childhood days what are the things you would remember. Recently I asked my sister to scratch my back and immediately my mind went through all the stuff we did or knew growing up, if you remember anyone please feel free to drop it in the […]