Random gist

Pray for the Orekoya’s Kids

Remember those three children that was kidnapped by their house help, if you did not see the post read here they haven’t still been found and of course you can imagine it hasn’t been easy for the family especially the mum., I cannot even imagine what she is going through…How can you deprive these kids their warm […]

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Dear God…

Hi guys, have you ever had this ‘dear God’ feeling or experience where you just want to tell God something…Sometimes it may be how you feel or why things aren’t going a particular way you would have preferred, why something happened, or even just to say thank you because of somethings he has done that […]

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Remember when…

Remember when… If you had to go back to your childhood days what are the things you would remember. Recently I asked my sister to scratch my back and immediately my mind went through all the stuff we did or knew growing up, if you remember anyone please feel free to drop it in the […]

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