Who said African guys are not romantic? Below is a proposal on Arik air, an eye witness tweeted about it…
This is very important to me as it is what I love doing, I love to advice you and talk to you on any issue concerning your relationship. I would also publish it so people can learn from it and advice you as well as I haven’t got all the answers. if you need to contact me then send a mail to bride2mom@gmail.com or whatsapp +2347063794406
Confronting the past!!!
It may be a long read but I am promising, it is worth it. No matter what we say, amid those beautiful smiles, those laughable eyes and gorgeous looks we all have a past, a story told or untold, a hurt healed or not healed, words said or unsaid. There is something about the past […]
A real woman make you wait till you get married….Nick Cannon
Somedays ago, I read Nick cannon listed the names of 5 famous women he’s slept with and apparently there was a video(See it here)…When I read it, I just thought, ‘small boy’ until I read what he said about Mariah Carey when they asked him, when they first slept together“On our wedding night, honeymoon style, […]
You deserve better… A letter from me to you
Hi you,Yes you, not her, no not him…You! Do you know you deserve the best? I get to say this in any post that relates to relationship but I need to emphasise it here, do you know he or she is not right for you? if he abuses you, insults you, calls you names and […]
See what Pastor Sam Adeyemi has to say on a lady proposing to a man.
Yesterday I put up a post asking, who should make the first move? if you missed it, click here…Coincidentally Pastor Sam Adeyemi talked about this same issue… What do guys have to say this? Leadership speaker and Senior Pastor of Daystar Christian Centre, Pastor Sam Adeyemi, while preaching on “Prepaper for the wedding”, on Sunday […]
Who should make the first move?
Nowadays you hear different opinions on who should and who should not pop the question…It is common place that a guy should be the one to make the first move but how I wish life were simpler though and I know many people wish that too…What about just meeting a guy or girl and after […]
Another domestic violence case.
Look at this beautiful model, she is gorgeous right? Check her out below after a miscreant beat her up…Domestic violence is a No No! Don’t start stressing yourself now trying to make things work….Dump that boy or girl like hot yam, if they are violent or abusive ….You deserve better! Don’t allow anyone tell you […]
I know if we ask where and when was your first kiss? Most people will give the most romantic answers possible, the one that when you hear, you will just be weak, some of the answers will even beat the Hollywood impression of romantic and we may even explain it that the listeners will see […]
Where did you meet you spouse?
I saw this on a website and decided to share with you guys… Enjoy!!!
While we wait…What to do before the relationship/marriage.
While we wait we must learn to love ourselves: Most times when people talk about love we tend to assume it’s the love for others. The Bible says love your neighbour as yourself, if you don’t love yourself how do you then go about loving your neighbour? How do you love the husband/wife that you […]