I’ve been friends with this particular guy for more than a year now, he recently requested that we take our friendship to another level and I really like him a lot. The problem is, anytime we talk about his ex, he gets so angry and irritated! I feel its not normal.Please I need your advice, […]
This is very important to me as it is what I love doing, I love to advice you and talk to you on any issue concerning your relationship. I would also publish it so people can learn from it and advice you as well as I haven’t got all the answers. if you need to contact me then send a mail to bride2mom@gmail.com or whatsapp +2347063794406
How long should you be engaged?
Is it not so beautiful when you can put up a picture of your fingers on your phone, Facebook and other places with title…I said Yes that is the omg moment! the moment where all your friends and haters congratulate you, use you as display picture even though they may secretly envy you and oh […]
Dilemma of the unsaid ‘rule’ – If I say yes immediately does that mean I am desperate?
You would be glad you read this… I’ve read in a couple of articles written by Nigerian authors where they make bold insinuates about a woman based on how she responds to a man who is interested in courting her. I’ve read things like if a lady says yes immediately then she has self esteem […]
How Defined Is Your Relationship??
If you saw my post on Frelationship you would enjoy this as well…Someone put it up as a comment so I decided to share it…Enjoy Chinwe and Sam were course mates and fellowship members in the University. As a result, they were very close, always doing things together daily. Chinwe misconstrued this as being in […]
What can I do? I feel he’s being selfish!
I’ve got a question. My partner is apparently going through hard times and is really letting it affect our relationship. I’m in a long distance relationship. I’m really trying to be there for him but I feel like I’m the only one making effort. I’m also going through hardship at the moment but can’t talk […]
Who am I walking down the aisle to? – Ladies… Who am I watching walk down the aisle? – Men
What is behind the mask? The flowers must be freshly picked….I want them in red, His suit is yet to be delivered??! So this tailor wants to spoil my day? My wedding must be the best ever!!!! I guess this is familiar to most brides or brides to be … you hear the wedding comes […]
From the old school to the new school – Marriage By Chris
Remember how we all thought our parents or the older folks do not understand anything we are going through and we say stuff like ‘they don’t get it’ According to my mum. “All these things you are doing now, we did it too” This write-up is from a marriage counsellor and married man with 35 […]
Christianity the yardstick for a perfect relationship?????
I can remember in secondary school, just when we were about to graduate, we would have a ‘year book’ where you are asked all sorts of questions and back then the one that caught my eyes and made me always think was when asked ‘Your ideal man’. You would see things like broad chest, handsome, […]
Should I encourage him or give him an ultimatum?
I came across your blog and have found it very insightful.I want to know your opinion about thisAm 25, I just newly started dating this 30yr old guy who is really great. Am not sure am in love with him yet.The challenge I have is with his appearance. He is chubby with a large pot […]
PERSEVERANCE “IN LOVE” – My long distance relationship.
Amazing couple! Read their story… I will try not to overly spiritualize this topic (if that is even a thing!), but hear me out when I say it is true what that chapter on love in the new testament of the bible said that love is long suffering and bears all things. I am a […]