Happy New month guys! A message to start your Month.

Please don’t ever allow what people say define your life, if it does, you will get so miserable because every level you would realize a new pressure.

Let me just list some for you…

University: Before you get your admission into university, everyone would keep you on  edge, asking what you are still doing at home, hope you passed your jamb exam. Even the thought of what “Mama this” and “Mama that” said is enough pressure to challenge you to do well.

Marriage: After university, side comments increase but this time it’s for you to get married if you are a girl and for a guy is to get a job. This can be very frustrating that it could get you angry and some of us might even jump into marriage with the next guy available, as people must have told you “age is not on your side.” If you marry so that they would give you a break then you have got another thing coming.

Pregnancy: Gees! The pressure for you to get pregnant is incredible! Just know after that wedding everyone is counting down to the arrival of your baby and watching your tummy. My friend was already worried because she did not get pregnant the first two months of marriage and even went as far as checking herself… Pressure!!!!!!

With all due respect guys, if after a year your friend isn’t pregnant, stop tormenting her everyday with your questions. If you sense it could be a problem then pray for her.

After you give birth do you think that is all? You joke! Everyone is waiting for the next child. Nowadays when I go out and people see me with my daughter, the first question they ask is what are you waiting for? Even people I don’t know, conversation goes like “is this your baby? She’s so cute, how old is she? So what are you waiting for? I am like seriously?!

The society is built in a way that it will pressure you to a point where you find yourself so pressured that you start doing things because they said so. Take a break, do things for yourself, at the time you think is right for you and not centered on what people might say or have said.  I must mention that there are some good pressure the society gives that shapes you positively.  Take the positives and ignore the negatives. You will never be able to please the society/people.

Any other societal pressure or experience you would like to share ?
