Just say No!
I have never been a Yes man but I find it hard to say No sometimes especially to friends and families, at the end of the day after taking on the task, I get burnt out and almost start resenting the person. Feeling like they are not considerate enough.
One day Mr possible told me, “if it is not convenient why do you do it” If I can remember clearly, I was trying to explain why and he gave a lecture on how saying No doesn’t mean you don’t care. It has been a long time but If you know Mr possible at all, you know he can give Lectures for Africa, the boy is a teacher. loll
I did not all of a sudden start saying No after the Lecture but thank God he let me grow into it at my own pace. I have said No Several times since then, I have also said very few inconveniencing Yes and just thought to share this with you.
Please feel free to say No! Don’t allow anyone guilt trip you to do what is not convenient for you. You don’t want to take on any venture that you would rather not do and at the end of the day you are angry because you were not bold enough to say No!
Should you once in a while go out of your way for people? Of course! But when you are constantly a yes man, you would live such a sad burnt out life, thinking everyone is out to take advantage of you.
You have the right to say no, don’t deny yourself that free time just because you don’t want to be tagged. You even have the right to say no, just because you had planned to stretch your legs and Binge watch that television show that you have been looking forward to all week. Your friends, family and loved ones would get over your NO but it may take a while for you to get over the Yes you said. You may even start feeling used at some point.
Say No boo, it is liberating.
To friends and loved ones, don’t take a NO personal, it is not that serious. We all need to choose ourselves from time to time