
I would talk about parenting based on experience,research and findings please share your experience too…

Lady A Goes To Church.

Some months ago we took babyA to church o, we have given her back to God in thanksgiving. It was beautiful and we planned to have a family photoshoot to mark the event, that is how photographer came and everything was going well till babyJ’s inner diva came bursting out, the girl did not take […]

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Train Up A Child…

This picture was originally put up on Linda Ikeji’s blog, I tried to look the other way but I just couldn’t.  hate to Judge but this is too much na, these are very suggestive photos that paedophiles can prey on and use to their advantage. This kid is not grown up yet but she has perfected the sexy […]

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Why can’t we be friends?

Recently, I have been sleeping late hours because LadyA and BabyJ has not been feeling good, from cough and catarrh to fever, It seem like every child I know has cough and catarrh probably due to change of weather right? BabyJ brought it from school and since her sister’s cuteness is too much for her to handle, she just […]

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The amazing little humans…

Something very cute, amazing and shocking happened  to Mrpossible and I…So I have said in an older post that Mrpossible is not in town but what I did not add was how babyJreacts to him being unavoidably absent sometimes…When he comes back, she would smile but wont hug him at once, she would  go to one exclusive place […]

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We Are No Rivals.

My sister tagged me on this post and I really enjoyed it, so I decided to share with you, read, learn a Lesson and enjoy it. Originally from To the mother who breastfed her baby until they needed it no more; I know the amazing feeling that comes with knowing your little one is getting […]

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