What should parents do to protect their children? Parents who consider their children “safe” from sexual victimization live in false security and set a dangerous course for their families. If your children are between the ages of 3-5, they are old enough for you to begin to talk about pedophiles. Even if your child has […]
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MUST READ! Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death…Dr. Ada Igonoh survived Ebola – This is her Story
From Bellanaija. As Nigeria battles with the outbreak of Ebola, we consistently commend the dedication and selflessness of the doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals. Lives have been lost, and families have had to undergo the trauma of isolation. The fear of the unknown even very crippling. We read about the numbers in the news, […]
The Rape Victim… What to avoid & what not to say to a rape victim
Remember the rape victim… What to do immediately after? Then you would like to know more on the subject, like how to speak with a rape victim and others. Rape can be avoided by taking certain measures below, these include: Do not stay out late. Being responsible enough to get home before dark can save you […]
Conquest or Ego which is it?
There is always something about men and winning that is different from ladies, sometimes I ask myself is it their Ego acting out or they just like the thrill of conquest? Recently, we were going out to eat. If there is something I love, it’s eating out. I love it when we go to new […]
Every level:New Pressure!
Happy New month guys! A message to start your Month. Please don’t ever allow what people say define your life, if it does, you will get so miserable because every level you would realize a new pressure. Let me just list some for you… University: Before you get your admission into university, everyone would keep you on […]
Unemployment in Nigeria – Bride2mom as a case study
I was chatting with a friend recently, when she told me her frustration in job hunting and as we were discussing on how many resume she had sent, it took me back to when I was applying for jobs and one particular interview I did that was like no other, when I reminded her she […]
Who are you when no one is looking?
Who are you really? I have met various people as I guess we all have and there are some people that the more you look at them, the less you see. While I will not totally focus on that today, I can say that we all pass through phases of discovery where we battle with […]
The Preacher’s Son
You hear stuff like, ” did you see him last week, he was doing this.. Did you see the way she dressed to church on sunday?” And these conversations ends with “and he is a pastor’s son.” Most of us are guilty of this, what is it we actually expect? That because they are pastors […]
Hospital misBehaviour
Have you ever experienced an unprofessional character in a professional environment? I have! A lot of times and please if you have share. I remember a time, when my kid sister came to spend sometime with MrPossible and I and she got sick. It was so bad that she was crying because of the pain […]
Calories In Basic Nigerian Dishes
As a foodie, I am constantly trying to lose weight and finally saw the need to get a personal trainer. I was working with this personal trainer because I wanted to prove to myself that I can once again fit into my old clothes but over time, I have learnt that fitness is not about […]